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SEO company in pune / seo company pune / seo services in pune

SEO company in pune is the best seo company in pune offering affordable seo services in pune. Rated as top SEO companies in Pune, we aim to provide result-oriented SEO services. Before knowing further details, let’s see about the advantages of SEO. SEO has become one of the major traffic driving source in the digital marketing which also considered as one of the best investment fields in the digital marketing field. On the other hand, there is no need to pay to google or any other search engines when you get organic traffic from the search engines which makes SEO as one of the best Investments.

SEO company in Pune Advantages

Our SEO company aims at providing SEO services in a different manner providing best value for the client’s Investment. Unlike other SEO companies, who sell out SEO packages, we charge a fixed fee per month and then propose a price up on successful ranking of the targeted keywords. This makes us unique as we offer Result-oriented services where we focus on most useful keywords which will help for your business development. Another major advantage is that we don’t insist on any contract term i.e the client is free to leave the company next month in case if not satisfied. 

On the other hand, Traditional SEO companies follow the same procedure which they have been using since ages, where as our company experiments, understands the search engine rules and then implement to our clients the best working methods.

SEO company in Pune vs others

you can check some of the major differences between working with our company and others

Pricing – Reasonable / Affordable – High (They charges will be of more and go up while working further)

Contract – No – Yes (They do make an agreement ranging from 6 months to years in general)

Value – Yes (we give complete value for the clients we work up on) – Limited (they focus more on those who paying them more and valuing given to client is generally low)

Knowledge – yes (we try to understand the search engine with our experiments which will go in to implementation for our clients) – limited (As they will be busy in selling out packages, their knowledge is limited)

Limited projects – yes (we do work on limited projects and don’t accept every client who is interested in our services) – No (they are more busy in selling out as many packages as possible to clients)

Exclusive SEO company – Yes (We offer only SEO services exclusively and we are good at it) – No (they offer all kinds of digital marketing and their knowledge on SEO might be limited).

SEO company in Pune charges

Our SEO services ranges from Rs 30k per month to Rs 60k per month. we charge a fixed fee up on successful ranking only if it ranking in first page as per the proposal i.e in case of not ranked then no need to pay the proposed price for successful ranking apart from paying a fixed fee per month working on the project.

Once after knowing the requirement, we come out with complete plan and strategy which will help the client business. The client can choose their desired keywords they want to rank for their business. Later we start working on the project and monthly reports will be sent on status on the project.

What type of SEO services in Pune you offer?

we offer SEO services to any businesses like start ups or established organistation who does businesses like Finance, Home loan, Designing, software, Real Estate, Schools or colleges, services or else any other type of company who are looking to grow their businesses online with the help of organic search engine traffic.

We also do offer Local SEO services to help your business listing on google map to rank in your local regions which will help in improving your business.

Is SEO best Investment compared to others?

Yes, SEO was considered as one of the most profitable source in the digital marketing as the traffic you get from organic results is free i.e you don’t need to pay anything for getting traffic freely from search engine results. Where as Paid advertising like Google Ads, you need to pay for each click for which you get traffic apart from paying the agency or service who are managing the ads account. Despite SEO takes time to get results, it is considered as a best investment for long-term success as rate of return on SEO was always considered to be more.

Some of the SEO frequently asked Queries.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization also known as SEO in short-form is one of the digital marketing methods which you can use to get organic traffic to your website. A perfectly Optimized SEO site will end up showing in at top results in the search engines which in tun generates a good amount of traffic to the websites.

Are SEO services useful?

Many who are knew to the digital marketing are not much aware of SEO and they frequently have in mind that whether SEO services are useful or not? For this to be answered, Most of the businesses are attracting major portion of the business to their product or service from organic traffic and hence SEO can be considered as a good marketing method to reach the potential customers.

How can I choose a Good SEO company?

This is one another major queries for the companies who want start SEO services. You can choose a Good SEO company by looking at value of services they are offering and how genuine a company in making client understand how SEO works? and most importantly the knowledge and kind of interest they have towards their customers. Additionally, choosing a good SEO company also offer flexible working terms like no contract SEO-offering like us and aiming for result-oriented SEO services.

Time to see the Results?

The time taken to see the Search Engine Optimization results depend upon the difficulty level of your targeted keywords and its competition. However, Usually, a new website is estimated to see the results in 6 to 12 months time period and an established website can take even lesser time.

Is Local SEO best for our business?

Google My Business listing optimization is considered as Local SEO. Most of the businesses these days are also attracting the customers with the help of Local SEO services. We also offer Local SEO services to our clients and can help to rank for the targeted keywords of your Google My Business listing.

Guarantee on SEO Results?

This is also one of the common queries among the companies who want to take SEO services. You have to understand that Search Engine Optimization is something which changes constantly as Search Engines like Google and others keep on updating their algorithms as per their own requirement. So for this reason, no genuine companies will never offer a guarantee on SEO results despite even they have very good success rate in past doesn’t mean that future results are guaranteed due to constant change in the Search algorithms. However, we try to get updated with latest trends and do our best to ensure everything works fine by putting maximum efforts.

What is cost of SEO services?

The actual cost of SEO services completely depends upon the level of difficulty and competition in the your targeted niche. Most of the SEO companies offer their services by selling out SEO Packages, where they do what you have bought and won’t care much about results. While our company offers services in a unique way, where we will be charging monthly fixed fee, which varies from 30k to 60k INR, and we propose a price for successful ranking fee which will be charged only when it was ranked. This way makes it more worth as we will be concentrating on result-oriented SEO, while choosing the same with Traditional companies can end up losing a lot of money when failed to deliver results and asked to put same efforts of achieving the top results.

Why SEO compared to others?

This is also one of the most common queries as people gets confused on why SEO than others? The answer for the same is Search Engine Optimization is considered as best digital marketing method when you consider return on investment than the other advertising mediums like PPC, social media etc and even getting Potential customers with more chances was also another reason for most companies to choose SEO as their marketing medium. 

Is Cheap Pricing and guarantee offers in SEO exist?

Most of the times, some of the companies who want to attract the clients offer SEO services with guarantee and cheap pricing. This is mostly to take their services and you are going to see the reality later. Even you get cheap kind of work with cheap pricing of such kind of services. As told earlier, first of all, guarantees won’t exist in Search Engine Optimization and for doing Good SEO, it requires lot of knowledge and efforts, so the pricing never be cheap and it varies from companies to companies based on their own set of rules.

Do you have a SEO Contract Agreement?

Generally, most SEO companies work on a contract agreement where you need to take their services for a minimum time period of 6 months to 2 years and also should pay the whole amount upfront in most cases. While as we want to provide unique and flexible services, we don’t have any contract agreement for working on an SEO project i.e client is free to leave next month if they felt that we are not good fit for them and can choose another company who they believes better than us. 

Why we need to choose SEO company than Digital marketing company for SEO services?

If you wish to take SEO services then working with an exclusive SEO company like us is the best option rather than working with digital marketing company because as an exclusive SEO company, we are completely committed with SEO and we have a better knowledge, where as digital agencies offers all kind of services and have a limited knowledge on each of the platforms. So choosing an exclusive SEO company is better when you want SEO services for your website.

50 Comments. Leave new

  • Venkat Srivatsava
    February 28, 2019 6:42 am


    I have a local business and i see many of my competitors are making their business online, what is the best one to choose for me to grow online?

    • Now-a-days most of the business are optimizing their Local listings in Google my business, which in turn helping them to get good business from it. So you can opt out for local SEO services if you are specifically target your local audience.

  • Devender Singh
    February 28, 2019 6:44 am

    Hello team,

    I am Devender. I have recently contacted one of the SEO company and they are saying that they can give guarantee for my business related keywords. As i found that you have genuine content here, i want to know how far is it true? and does SEO companies really provide any guarantees?

    • As many will fall for the guarantee, some will trick with these kind of offers. Generally, no SEO company in the world offers any guarantee because Google always updates its algorithm and make changes. So when there is something constant, you can expect a guarantee but not on something which changes most of the time. However, some good SEO companies can give assurance to work hard on your project and can do their best to make sure their work lasts for more time.

  • If i do SEO for my website once and got ranked then no need to do SEO further? I am confused on this and want to learn more on this query

    • It was really a good question indeed john, once you have ranked on top pages of search engine and if none of your competitors are able to beat you then no need to do any further SEO. IF there is chance of other players competing with you, then you need to constantly monitor the site in order to stay a head of your competitors.

  • Hey team,

    I want to get traffic to my website as soon as possible then what is the best thing i need to choose to start getting traffic to my business?

    • Hi Danish,

      If you want to get traffic to your business then you can opt-out for Paid advertising like PPC, social media and display ads. However, if you are looking for best form of investment, then SEO is a good choice despite it takes time to get traffic, it was said to be worth more compared to PPC, social media and display ads.

  • Do you have any contract or agreement to sign up if we want to take your SEO services?

    • We don’t have any contract or agreement while you take our services. As we want to provide something worth while for the clients, we are not insisting them on to sign up a contract with us as we believe that client should be given choice whether they want to work with us or not? by seeing our performance and hence we don’t have any kind of contract or lock-in period. The client is free to leave next month if felt unsatisfied with our services.

  • Hi,

    We have done SEO with some other company and didn’t see any results. So I want to know whether you can work on existing projects like us or only new projects?

    • Hi Rajput,

      Thanks for reaching us. we actually work on both completely new and existing projects as well, however, while we work on existing project handled by some one, we need to check and analyse everything related to SEO and then only can give a brief answer on the same.

  • Hi,

    If I have the budget allocated for digital marketing, how much should I spent for SEO which is worth while for my investment?

    • Hi Prakash,

      Generally we recommend spending around 30 to 40% of the digital marketing budget to our clients as SEO is considered to best long-term investment compared to others forms of digital marketing. If the results were positive, you can allocate more based on the outputs.

  • How can i reach you if i had to discuss about my project?

  • Is there any guarantee for the results?

    • Hi Diwakar,

      This was a good question indeed. No genuine SEO companies whether if they have all previous projects success also won’t give guarantee on a future project getting successfully because Google is changing it’s algorithms more frequently and hence there can’t be guarantees in something which changes often. However, a good company can do their best to get your website into the top results of search engines.

      • Thanks for your genuine response and appreciate your honesty in your services by letting know how SEO works with the customers.

  • What methods of payment do you accept?

    • Hi Ronald,

      we accept different kind of payments like bank transfer, Paypal and others as well. For more info, reach us by filling the above form with your requirements.

  • We been using PPC services earlier and found them too costly, so is SEO the best thing for us?

    • Hi Janapakal,

      Generally, it was said that SEO is much better in terms of return on investment and hence you can try it out. However, the cost and success factor in able to achieve first page depends up on the competition in your niche.

  • What makes SEO best than other marketing platforms?

    • Many companies consider SEO as a better option as the cost will be lower compared to other platforms like PPC ads and also you don’t need to pay for traffic which you are getting organically unlike PPC ads where you need to pay for each click.

  • Can SEO help us bring more sales for our services?

    • Search Engine Optimization will help you to get your site in first page results if done perfectly, so therefore you get traffic and when you get traffic, you get sales too if your services are appealing.

  • We want to promote our company site with help of SEO? Is it good idea and how we benefitted from this?

    • Promoting the site with the help of SEO is consider as one of the best forms of digital marketing with cheaper price than you pay for the paid ads marketing, a successful SEO optimized website can lead to appear in top results, which in turn can bring good traffic and sales to your site.

  • Hi,

    Do you work on the sites which were hit with a penalty? and can we recover our site traffic successfully?

    • Hi Rahul,

      First of all, we need to check and analyse the site to know what has caused the penalty and all issues then we can let you know more. At the same time, there are many cases where after successfully fixing all issues, the traffic can recover.

  • Hello,

    We have used PPC ads and the cost seems to be very high and now we want to try SEO services? will it be good option?

    • Hi Rateesh,

      That is why SEO is considered as best digital marketing investment compared to PPC ads as you don’t need to pay for organic traffic you receive from search engines part from paying the company who were working on the SEO, while in PPC, due to heavy demand, the cost per click will be very high and you need to pay for each click apart from agency which managing those ads. All in all, SEO can be considered as a much better investment than PPC and it is definitely a good option.

  • prakash naier
    March 26, 2019 2:12 pm

    How can SEO help our business?

    • A proper optimized SEO website can be seen on the first page and when people type queries related to your business, they can get you found and thus you can improve your business with help of SEO. SEO is considered as one of the best forms of digital advertising even in terms of cost and conversions.

  • We have taken SEO services from one of the company and didn’t see results, so can we expect that if worked with you can see results?

    • Hi Rupesh,

      First of all, it was sorry to here about that. We need to analyse the site and then can tell better answer. However, while you work with us we do try our best to implement all possible ways to get you ranked on top results for your related keywords, at the same time, there is no guarantee for the results but we can give assurance that we do our best to aim for the results using our skills and experience. Even no genuine SEO companies gives guarantee but a good SEO company depends upon its knowledge and the way they offer services.

  • Why SEO is important as a marketing platform?

    • Hi Nithiin,

      A successful SEO optimized site can bring free traffic for your website, which in turn can lead to sales of your products or services, hence SEO is considered as one of the most important digital marketing methods.

  • Hi team,

    Is it true that SEO results will be faster and one of the company we contacted saying guarantee and quick results if worked with them ?

    • Hi Bilal,

      Some of the SEO companies in order to attract clients try to lure with these kind of guarantees and faster results. But in reality, there won’t be guarantees in SEO due to constant changes in Search algorithms, however, working with a good company can give assurance to try their best in order to make everything works fine. At the same time, quicker results in a month or two is not possible and those are just to attract the client to take their services.

  • SEO is helping our competitors to grow, so is it good to go with SEO now for our business too?

    • Hi Jatin,

      First of all, we need to see the competition and everything in order to say better answer. However, you can start with SEO and definitely in long run if optimized the site well, then can see a good growth in your site traffic too and can expect good growth for your business as well.

  • Hi,

    We have used PPC marketing and found it was bit costly and SEO will be better , so can we start with SEO to see better results ?

    • Hi Lokesh,

      Generally, PPC ads are costly due to heavy demand among the advertisers, while SEO is considered as much better investment if optimized successfully as the traffic you receive from SEO is free apart from paying the SEO agency. However, in PPC, you need to pay for each click of traffic you receive apart from the agency who manages those ads.

  • Hi team,

    Do you also offer SEO services to a foreign website?

  • How to grow my business using SEO ?

    • Hi Roshan,
      If you have a successful optimized site, then you can rank on top results of search engines, which in turn bring traffic to your business website and thus can improve your product sales or services.


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